What really happened in Germany was morality became a blur - good and evil became something that was hard to distinguish. This phenomenon is not new however. This happened at the beginning of humanity and continues on today.
All of us who went to sunday school or vacation Bible school as a kid know the story of Creation. God made everything and called it good. When He breathed life into man He called it very good, and when He saw man alone He said, "It is not good for man to be alone." Therefore, woman was made as companion. In all of this greatness, the very epicenter was the Garden of Eden. Man and woman cultivated and was responsible for all of this. One of their most important and peculiar responsibilities was to not touch or eat from the tree at the center of the garden - the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
And this is odd.
So what is the tree? What does it mean to have a knowledge of good and evil? What's so bad about knowing the difference?
This is exactly what God was trying to keep - the distinction between good and evil. The word knowledge in Hebrew is "da'at", which means to join together. This is the same word that the Bible uses when it says, "And Adam knew Eve," to connotate sexual intercourse. The word means much more than acquiring a new fact. With this in mind, we can see real danger of this tree. To make a literal translation it would say: "The Tree of the Joining of Good and Evil." The danger was not to know what evil and good is; the danger was to no longer no the difference.
So why the command not to eat from it? I do not believe the first sin had to be to eat from it. However, I find it completely natural that such a significant symbol has such a command to come with it. It was not the only command given to man to break. He was also commanded to cultivate the earth and to make a family. The command is not odd or unique in and of itself IF you understand the meaning of the tree itself.
What may give us more insight to the meaning of this story and commandment is to look at our lives now. What "trees" are we eating from in our lives to join good and evil into a blur?
Something to ask yourself as you get a chance to reflect on your day today.