There seems to be two rising tides in the evangelical church: the Together for the Gospel tide that is holding fast to reformation theology, and the "emergent" tide that is trying to be relevant for the sake of being "real" with the world. I have been thinking a lot about the first group. There is a strong movement on cross-centered preaching. Mahaney has come out with "The Cross-Centered Life", which I have not read in full but have browsed. While I think they are the better of the two camps, I feel they are misguiding a lot of Christians. For just now, I want to focus on the Cross-centered life.
The Cross-centered life is one who's main thing is atonement, grace, forgiveness, freedom from sin, and so on. All essential things to a Christian's life. There are a few things about this teaching, however, that I think are harmful:
1. The cross is not equal to the gospel. I have heard Mahaney talk as the cross being an objective truth in history in which we focus on and lean on in our lives. I think we should focus on Christ (THE truth, a person) as the objective truth in history to lean on in our lives. The beauty of Christian doctrine is that truth is not knowledge to have, but a person to encounter -truth is a relation to enter. It is not the cross that should take our attention, but the person on the cross who is incarnate God, taught us how to live, was our atonement for our guilt, is our new life in the Resurrection, and whose kingdom we live in and navigate.
2. The position of man before the cross is not the same as the position man has before God as a Christian. The cross-centered life focuses on a guiltless, free position of man instead of a holy life. The cross gives us a new status before God, but not a new life. God freed us in order to redeem us. The difference is one talks about the state in which we are in while the other talks about the life in which we should live. For a Christian to continually focus on the cross in his or her life, only allows motivation for the holy life, but it is not the source of the holy life. Moreover, before the cross, man is a wretched sinner with evil inclinations. The issue with this is that man is no longer this way before God. I believe this where the Puritans and the Calvinist tradition gets it wrong. Man is depraved before salvation, but not after (or more accurately, during). Man is a new creation with new life. While sin is still an issue, we are not slave to it - meaning it is now out of our nature to sin.
3. While the cross is extremely central, as Paul said (Together for the Gospel's favorite theologian), without the Resurrection, our faith and preaching (yes, even preaching the cross) is meaningless (1 Cor. 15). This demonstrates once again that the cross, by itself, is not the gospel.
So if Christians should not center ourselves on the cross, what should we center ourselves on? I think the Christian life, or the life of God's people is a life centered around others. The Other-centric life is to love God and to love your neighbor. It is relational based instead of event based. While what happened at the cross is very relational, a relationship spans time and space. It may be marked by events, but it does not sustain itself by events.
The Other-centric life does not forget the cross nor does it see it as secondary. The cross is essential to my relationship with God and neighbor - it is through the cross that I am able to have such a relation with God. But I think it is being cross-centered that helps Christians to never leave Golgotha and begin their new life. Evangelicals can be so heavenly minded that we lose what it means to live. This does not just mean we strive for heaven as our "home", but that we fall back on the experience and event of the cross, which initiates our faith, yet never try to own our faith and live it out.
THis is also a result of the strong focus on creeds in Christian history, and the lack of holy action - it is faith without works is dead, not faith without sound doctrine is dead. The Other-centric life does not neglect doctrine, but realizes that the Christian life is much more about the fruits of the Spirit than it is about knowing the right creeds. I am not trying to create a dichotomy here. They rely on each other! I am, however, trying to balance the scales.
Much more about the Other-centric life will be coming on this blog. Starting with why only the Christian faith - in its affirmation of who God and man are - can truly be the basis for an other-centric life. I'll hopefully post this in the next few days.
Until then, let us discuss. These are more of my knee jerk reactions to the cross-centered life. I have not studied Mahaney's book intensely, but have merely gotten a basic grasp of it. Correction on my understanding of him as well as my faulty arguments are welcome and encouraged!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Love God With All Your More
“Love the LORD your God . . . with all your strength,” is ashamedly the one part of Deut. 6:5 that gets brushed over in the Christian tradition. Ironically, given the Scriptures strong metaphorical language against the body (flesh, dust, etc.), you would expect an in-depth analysis within the tradition for a clarification on this term. In Jewish tradition, it is also labeled as “strength” but not exclusively. Some theologians have chosen to translate it as “wealth” or “possessions” instead of “strength”.[1] The Hebrew word there - b'kol me'odekhah – does have a connotation of extra or more. In this context, the verse may actually be referring to
“loving God with all your heart, all your soul, and all the more that you are. . . All the more commands the mending of relation, for it takes us beyond the confines of ego in a movement towards the neigbor. God confronts man with the demand to turn to his human neighbor, and in doing so, to turn back to God Himself. . .”[2]
There is definitely more to this phrase than just to refer to the body.
In light of this rich exegesis, I would argue that we are commanded here not to merely love God with our bodies, as is commonly taught. For I believe that is already addressed in the command to love God with all your soul. To love God with all your more, means, or strength means that anything that is beyond your soul in which you have a responsibility for, you should cultivate in love towards God. I have responsibilities towards my neighbor, towards my money, towards my possessions, and towards my actions. And in all of these, I operate within the framework of cultivating these things in my life in order that I may love God in purity and earnest.
Therefore, the message and commandment of this verse is not to merely love God with all of yourself – as to say, we are to love him with our heart, soul, mind, and strength, which is thrown in there to mean everything else that is you. God is commanding us to love Him with all that we are and all that we have responsibility for, to love God in all of our existence. Our love for God extends beyond ourselves and into the world around us. Thusly, John’s insistence that to love God, you must love your brother![3] To isolate the love of God within our own egos is to assume that God’s love is not universal and does not connect our lives to others.
[1] Rashi
[2] Philosopher As Witness, 158.
[3] John 4
“loving God with all your heart, all your soul, and all the more that you are. . . All the more commands the mending of relation, for it takes us beyond the confines of ego in a movement towards the neigbor. God confronts man with the demand to turn to his human neighbor, and in doing so, to turn back to God Himself. . .”[2]
There is definitely more to this phrase than just to refer to the body.
In light of this rich exegesis, I would argue that we are commanded here not to merely love God with our bodies, as is commonly taught. For I believe that is already addressed in the command to love God with all your soul. To love God with all your more, means, or strength means that anything that is beyond your soul in which you have a responsibility for, you should cultivate in love towards God. I have responsibilities towards my neighbor, towards my money, towards my possessions, and towards my actions. And in all of these, I operate within the framework of cultivating these things in my life in order that I may love God in purity and earnest.
Therefore, the message and commandment of this verse is not to merely love God with all of yourself – as to say, we are to love him with our heart, soul, mind, and strength, which is thrown in there to mean everything else that is you. God is commanding us to love Him with all that we are and all that we have responsibility for, to love God in all of our existence. Our love for God extends beyond ourselves and into the world around us. Thusly, John’s insistence that to love God, you must love your brother![3] To isolate the love of God within our own egos is to assume that God’s love is not universal and does not connect our lives to others.
[1] Rashi
[2] Philosopher As Witness, 158.
[3] John 4
other-centric life,