Thursday, May 08, 2008

Things to come...

Now that school is over, I can spend more time studying what I want and doing what I want like get married, learn some languages, read some philosophy and literature, and relax. I was thinking earlier about what will be good to write about next, and I think I will write about my view of the church - what it means to be a community (universal and local), the mission of the church, the purpose of the church, and the condition of the church. My views are different than some, but I do see value in the traditions.

But I have a little something now that I have been trying to word right since January that I want to start with. It is on the Trinity. This is a doctrine that is hard to explain, but I think gives a very important paradigm to the world as we know it. I am not going to focus on how the Trinity is rational (it is hard to see as rational). Instead, I am going to focus on how it's existence gives meaning to the world that nothing else can do. Intrigued? Hopefully so.


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