"Don't you say a word against the 'Swiss Family Robinson,'" cried Innocent with great warmth. "It mayn't be exact science, but it's dead accurate philosophy. When you're really shipwrecked, you do really find what you want. When you're really on a desert island, you never find it desert. If we were really besieged in this garden we'd find a hundred English birds and English berries that we never knew were here. If we were snowed up in this room, we'd be the better for reading scores of books in that bookcase that we don't even know are there; we'd have talks with each other; good, terrible talks, that we shall go to the grave without guessing; we'd find materials for everything: christening, marriage or funeral - yes, even for a Coronation, if we didn't decide to be a republic."
If I learned to live like that....
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