Monday, July 30, 2007

Things to come...

So I'm almost done with study on Revelation. It needs some revision but this is merely a getting thoughts out, not so much writing a book. I'm waiting for a book called, "Persian Springs" to deal with the last part of the Revelation series. But until then I have already lined up two more studies.

The first of the two will be on sex. After reading "Sex God" by Rob Bell and thumbing through other books on sex and Christianity, I have found that no one really deals with this stuff dead on. I was very disappointed with "Sex God" because Bell just never seemed quite there and seemed more concerned about making controversial statements that makes the starbucks crowd (who I am one of) go crazy (which it did not for me). I'm hoping to deal with some of the following questions (as well as any other questions someone might want to insert): Why is sex limited to marriage? Why is it such a big deal? Why is "because God said so" a sufficient reason, if it is one? Hopefully I can get through this as to why sex is important, why it is costly, why it exclusive. I just can't wrap my head around it at the moment, it seems like the whole topic is vague and weak at best in Christianity; so we'll see.

The second study will be on Faith. The more I've been studying it the more I realize how little I have. I'll talk about what faith really is, and how it effects every moment and aspect of our lives; so much so it scares me. So I hope this all works out. It should be fun to think these things through and see how real they really are.

One last thing I'll mention in passing. It amazes me in my own life and everyone else's that I have seen how much we have, in this generation especially, seperated truth from life. Our beliefs have become privatized severly as I am failing to see many christians letting their beliefs effect the way they live. Simple example: everyone speeds. No one goes the speed limit anymore. If that is the law and it is not in contradiction to God's law then we should follow it. Every time I see an SUV speed by me with a fish emblem or a Christian sticker on it, I feel ashamed. I'm not saying I don't fail in this because I do in almost every area and that is the problem. I do not recognize the need to have what I belief about my life and the actually living to be connected. This is a big problem in my life, I needs to be dealt with.


Jonalyn Fincher said...

Thank you for visiting my blog and encouraging us at Soulation.
I read your latest above and can't help but agree with you on the latest Rob Bell book. Thanks for being honest about that.
Could I recommend "Real Sex: the Naked Truth about Chastity" by Lauren Winner as a superior alternative? It was a lovely, well written dive into the nitty gritty, theological and humbling aspects of sex. Winner talks about why sex only really happens in marriage (hence "real sex") the hooking up stuff isn't really sex at all.
Her bibliography is wonderful, too.

Grace said...

i agree with Jonalyn. i have Winner's books, all three of them if you wish to borrow them. Real Sex helped me to understand the true meaning of sex and its connection to spirituality. i like the idea of an in depth study of the relationship between the two, as Christian we just tend to accept the reality of what are told and not study it for ourselves... i can't wait to read what you have to say.

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