Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Gospel of Fear?

Marriage crisis. Moral crisis. Political crisis. Economic crisis.

Just a few of the terms I've heard major Christian voices say about America right now. The reason why this is so? Apparently because America is no longer a Christian nation. The answer? Get the right laws passed or the right man in office.



Grace said...

i don't believe that we ever were a "Christian" nation. yes a few of the founding fathers might have had faith but i do not believe that they wanted to build a nation on set of Christian morals. I could be wrong. but i do believe there should be a firm separation between the church and the state, you can not mandate morality for those who do not agree with the set of morals. our nation is an existentialistic country, each man makes for himself what he believes to be the way of life he is to follow, with no absolute morals. do i think it should be that way, not really but it is because of the freedom we were granted in our constitution. can we therefore take away those freedoms of thought and pursuit of happiness (even if we don't personally agree with all that people claim as happiness...) to try and raise the morals of a country? laws can not mandate morality and morality is what guides our marriages, families, ect.
and for the economy. adam smith had it correct it think. you have to let it pan itself out. we naturally regress and progress. to mess with the natural state will cause a horrible mess for the future. if we are always prosperous then something is wrong. you can not always stay on a mountain top economically. america thinks it needs to. a bit of natural regression is good for a country. so i think for that situation maybe having a good person in the seat of control would be good, if they realized the need to let the economy go as it will instead of subsidizing everything and shoving money that they do not have back into the economy...

Philip said...

I agree wholeheartedly. The only thing I would add is that any law has a strain of morality in it. That's why serial killers aren't awarded with a purple heart. But ultimately, that is a much easier issue than homosexual marriage. Everyone kind of follows the sanctity of life, but the sanctity of marriage is not so easily deduced for most people. And there is no reason to without God's existence really. Same with sexuality. I could easily argue why the sanctity of life self-destructs without God as well, but too many people hang on to that view irrationally, I think.

It's interesting that Christian leaders are using the same scare tactics as politicians, and using it on Christians mostly. "We're in a marriage crisis and before to long polygomy will be legalized," or "We're in a moral crisis and soon beastiality will be legalized." That's just disturbing to me. Why not do a radio episode on who to effect your neighbors views instead of gripping about the problem the whole time and thinking the answer is more laws? Christianity is not about laws, yet that's all we want.

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