I was sitting with a friend the other day and we were talking about different things we have learned in the past couple of weeks. As the conversation developed, I just simply asked him, "Do you ever feel like God didn't do that great a job redeeming us?" He smiled and said, "Yes." Right then I felt the same agony and fear that haunts many Christians when faced with the existential dilemma. I truly believe that this is the greatest argument against Christianity in our generation. Let Bill Maher bring up talking serpents all he wants. Until Christians become genuine and honest in their faith, there will always be this existential struggle for the unbeliever.
This question I asked my friend has been posed in many ways. I like the following three to help give it a clearer context:
"I like [Christianity's] Christ, but I do not like its Christians." - Ghandi
"If you Christians want me to believe in your redeemer you will have to look more redeemed." - Nietzsche
"There are five Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and the Christian, and some people will never read the first four." - Gipsy Smith
Each of these men saw the simplicity of the Christian faith that most Christians miss. If you have been given new life, then your life should be different. When we do not see this, we automatically doubt. Christians and unbelievers should both automatically doubt. Christians do not have to be reminded of James' "Faith without works is dead," nor the peculiar words the Gospels use when the paralytic's friends tore open the roof to get to Jesus, "When Jesus SAW their faith." This simplicity - "if A, then B" - should scare us.
So what can be said in defense for Christ's death and resurrection? Is it incompetent? I'll post my answer soon, but first let's discuss. Any and all comments are welcome.
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